The haunted milk.

It was a normal day as I was walking to the store to get my favorite brand of milk. The shop assistant said that I'm lucky and that this is the last pack. I gave him the money, said "Keep the change!" and left the store.
I was halfway home when I saw this weird piece of paper with "Now you're haunted by the haunted milk! Congratulations!" writing. I was freaked out, but I knew I had to react fast!

Day 1

I asked everyone living in my street if they know anything about "The haunted milk", but they weren't too happy to answer me and said that I'm crazy. I made a thread on internet about this, and got the same response.
But this particular answer wasn't like it. It was saying:
"I had the same experience as you, and I've found out the solution.
First, you must go to the church and say "I LOVE MILK" three times. When you're done, go to the store and buy the milk, 3 eggs, an milky way chocolate and some flour. When you finish that, go back to your house, mix everything you've bought with a mixer, and drink it.
After that, you'll be free of the haunted milk!"
I knew this was too crazy, but I had to do it.

Day 2

I've gone to the church and said "I LIKE MILK" 3 times, just like that guy said, and bought everything he told me, mixed it up in my house, and drank it. It was terrible, but now I'm free of the haunted milk!
I don't know, I don't really feel like I'm free of it.
I checked out the internet and the answer that guy told me and asked him if he's sure he's missing something.
He told me:
"I forgot about this step. It's the hardest one, but you have to do it.
I'm sure you'll understand."
But, that's my favor- Ah, whatever. I didn't like it anyway! I'll take it like a man!

Day 3

WHY DID I LEAVE YOU?! *sobbing sounds*
*more sobbing*

Day 4

I'm now completely free of the haunted milk, thanks to that guy!
And I'm never gonna drink that milk again!

28 Days Later